CSIR invites joint proposals from CSIR laboratories in association with scientific institutions/universities under the ‘New Idea Fund’- for support from CSIR. These proposals are meant for pursuing hitherto unreported novel ideas having far reaching scientific or industrial implication. The scheme is for individuals or a group of collaborating scientists and is non-transferable. The proposal can be submitted either in the month of September or March. The proposal format can be obtained from Head, RDPD, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Rafi Marg, New Delhi 110 001.
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Anusandhan Bhavan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research has an ongoing ‘New Idea Fund’ scheme through which support is given to test and validate novel and highly creative ideas, even if they have a high probability of failure. Till now the scheme was open only to CSIR scientists for support. The experiment proved rewarding. Based on its initial experience, the scope of the scheme has now been enlarged to incorporate joint proposals between CSIR laboratories on one hand and scientific institutions or universities on the other.
The Scheme
CSIR invites joint proposals from CSIR laboratories in association with scientific institutions/universities under the ‘New Idea Fund’- for support from CSIR. These proposals are meant for persuing hitherto unreported novel ideas having far reaching scientific or industrial implication. The scheme is for individuals or a group of collaborating scientists and is non-transferable. The scheme is intended to be carried out by R&D institutions/ laboratories/departments,etc. where basic infrastructure already exists. The research scheme will have a Principal Investigator (PI) either from CSIR Lab or from University/R&D Institution and Co-PI from the other collaborating Lab. The consent of each collaborating institution must be furnished with the proposal.
The tenure
The tenure of the scheme is normally two years. However, in case of lack of progress, it can be terminated earlier.
Who can apply
Under the expanded scope, scientists from Indian R&D institutions and faculty members from universities can write proposals in partnership with a CSIR laboratory. Such joint proposals shall be forwarded through the collaborating CSIR laboratory.
Procedure for applying
Ten copies of the research proposal in the prescribed format (form A1 & A2) should be submitted to DG, CSIR. The application should be forwarded, through the Head of the concerned institution duly certified that (i) the core facilities are available and will be provided to the investigator(s) to work on the proposed scheme, and (ii) the department/ institute will discharge all its obligations, particularly in respect of
management of the grants given. The proposal can be submitted either in the month of September or March. The proposal format can be obtained from Head, RDPD, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Rafi Marg, New Delhi 110 001.
Sanctioned projects are monitored on six monthly basis. The progress reports shall be submitted by the investigators to CSIR. These should be received by CSIR by Ist February and 1st September every year. The PIs are also required to present the progress of research work before the NIF Committee for midterm correction and appraisal.